Monday, August 31, 2015

Env Justice Day 2

August 31st and September 1st

Write the LT and HW in your planner.
LT: Know what justice is and understand how it can be applied to environmental resources.
Homework (HW):  HW is always due next class period
  List your household’s “codes” (in your spiral)
Due today:  packet w/ signatures
Warm Up (WU): In the back of your spiral
1. What is 1 thing you are really looking forward to this year?

2. What is 1 question or concern you have about this year?

Link to Prezi for today's activities and lecture:

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Day 1 Environmental Justice Unit

August 27th and 28th 

Write the Learning Target and Homework in your   planner. If you do not have a planner, write them   in a place you can find tonight.
Learning Target (LT): Know what justice is and understand how it can be applied to environmental resources.
Homework (HW):  HW is always due next class period
  1. Read and sign forms (Parent/guardians, too)
  2. Bring supplies

  3. Bring an empty, clean 2-liter bottle to Biology