Thursday, June 2, 2016

Final Exam Review Materials

KAHOOT Climate Change

KAHOOT Food and Nutrition

PREZI Fossil Fuels

HANDOUT Effects of Climate Change

HANDOUT Greenhouse gases

VIDEO The Greenhouse Effect

VIDEO The Carbon Cycle

VIDEO  Calories

Final Review

LT: Connect increases in greenhouse gases to a changing planet.
Today:    Review
HW:    Study for your final exam: climate change, food, plus LT retakes
Due today:  Climate change review sheet
Announcements:   no Flex this week; last day to turn in missing homework June 6th

Warm Up:  get ready to Kahoot!

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Climate Change Day 7

May 26th and 27th 
LT: Connect increases in greenhouse gases to a changing planet.
Today:    Finish fossil fuel notes; intro to ocean acidification
HW:    Review (on homework sheet)
Due today:  Cookie Lab Questions (don’t tear out)
Announcements:   Last Flex is Friday; OUTSIDE Tuesday

  Warm Up:  Grade Plan 

Monday, May 23, 2016

Climate Change Day 6

May 20th and 23rd

LT: Connect increases in greenhouse gases to a changing planet.
Today:    Formation of fossil fuels   PREZI FOR NOTES
HW:    flashcard all climate change vocabulary AND draw and label a carbon cycle

Due today:  #5 

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Climate Change Day 5

May 18th and 19th
LT: Connect increases in greenhouse gases to a changing planet.
Today:  Carbon cycle role play.  How exactly does carbon cycle through the biosphere? What processes result in atmospheric CO2?
HW:    #5
Due today:  #4

Announcements:   Tuesday tutoring + Flex Wednesday

The Portland School Board passed the Climate Justice Resolution! 

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Climate Change Day 4

May 16th and 17th 
LT: Connect a rise in global temperatures to a changing planet.
Today:    What are the effects of climate change?
HW:    #4
Due today:  #3
Support the Climate Justice Resolution! Tuesday 7:00 p.m.
Announcements:   Tuesday tutoring + Flex Wednesday 

  Warm Up:   Kahoot

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Climate Change Day 3

May 12th and 13th 

LT: Explain how increases in greenhouse gases cause the Earth’s climate to change.
Today:    Greenhouse gases – what are they and how do they work?
HW:    #3
Due today:  #2
Support the Climate Justice Resolution! Tuesday 7:00 p.m.
Announcements:   Tuesday tutoring + Flex Friday 
  Last week to turn in Food Unit assignments

Monday, May 9, 2016

Climate Change Unit LT & HW

Global Climate Change                                                                    
Learning Targets
I can…
c   Explain how greenhouse gases affect the carbon cycle and climate, including the global warming potential and sources of each, as well as explain anthropogenic sources of increases in greenhouse gas emissions.
c   Differentiate between forms of fossil fuels to include formation and uses, and explain the effect of fossil fuel use on climate.
c   Explain the effects of climate change and propose methods for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
I can…

c   Explain how greenhouse gases affect the carbon cycle and climate, including sources of each, as well as 
describe human activities that cause greenhouse gas emissions to increase.
c   Differentiate between forms of fossil fuels to include formation and uses, and explain the effect of fossil fuel use on climate.
c   Describe the effects of climate change and propose methods for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Straight Ahead       
I can…

c   Label the carbon cycle and describe how it is affected by increased greenhouse gas emissions. List sources of greenhouse gases and describe human activities that cause greenhouse gas emissions to increase.
c   List the forms of fossil fuels and their uses. Explain the effect of fossil fuel use on climate.
c   Describe the effects of climate change and propose methods for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Mountainous  Uphill plus:

Global warming potential (GWP)                          Radiative forcing                    Proven reserves
Uphill     Straight Ahead plus:

Fluorinated gases           Hydraulic fracturing         Ice sheets                               Ocean acidification
Acid mine drainage       Tailings                             Gangue                                   Decomposition
Straight Ahead

Climate change               Greenhouse gas                 Emissions                               Oil
Coal                                 Natural gas                       Carbon dioxide                       Methane
Nitrous oxide                  Sea level rise                     Endangered species                Landfill
Combustion                     Mining                              Renewable energy                  Electricity generation 
Tragedy of the Commons                                         Carbon cycle                           Fossil fuel

Textbook Homework
GCC UNIT – Chapters 4, 5, 6

Assignment #:
Read pages, take notes as you read, 10/24/7 all notes
Straight Ahead
Due Date
fill in when announced
Chapter 4
90 - 93
p. 93: 1, 4
p. 93: 1, 5, 6
p. 93: 2, 5-7


p. 127: 1, 2, 4

p. 127: 1-4
p. 127: 1-4

p. 133: 2
p. 133: 1-3
p. 133: 1-3
p. 143: 5

p. 138: 1, 2
p. 138: 1-3
p. 138: 1-3, 6

Chapter 5
112 - 115
p.115: 1, 4
p. 115: 1, 2, 4

p. 115: 1, 2, 4

96, 118, 142
p. 97: 5, 7-10, 13, 14, 19
p. 97: 7-10, 14, 15, 17, 19
p. 97: 3-5, 6, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 32

Climate Change Unit Day 2

May 10th and 11th 
LT: Explain how increases in greenhouse gases cause the Earth’s climate to change.
Today:    Invasive Species @ Dharma
HW:    #2 (new LT sheet)
Due today:  #1
Announcements:   Tuesday tutoring + Flex Friday 
  Last week to turn in Food Unit assignments

Climate Change Unit Day 1

May 6th and 9th

LT: Explain how increases in greenhouse gases cause the Earth’s climate to change.
Today:    Tragedy of the Commons
HW:    #1 (new LT sheet)
Due today:  Healthy Food Menu (can also turn in Wednesday)
    turn in
Announcements:   Tuesday tutoring + Flex Friday 
  Last week to turn in Food Unit assignments

Monday, April 18, 2016

Kahoot links for test review

Evolution Kahoot #2

Evolution Kahoot #1

Evolution Day 8 April 18, 19

LT: Understand how evolutionary events unfolded on the geologic time scale.
Today: Finish notes and Era/Epoch posters
HWStudy for test  (quizlet on website)  TEST: Wed April 20th 
Last day to earn any credit for Evolution HW: Wednesday
Due today:  5 (show Baz if you have caught up on HW)
Warm Up:   mini kahoot
Announcement: Who will represent this class 4/19 at the PPS School Board meeting where a group will present a Climate Change Resolution? 

1st: Brian, Katlyn, Ellie  6th Miles  7th Anna, Julia  8th Thomas 

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Evolution Day 7

LT: Understand how evolutionary events unfolded on the geologic time scale.
Today: Era/Epoch posters
HW:  5  TEST: Wed April 20th
Due today:  4 & 6 (show Baz if you have caught up on HW)
Warm Up:   kahoot!

Announcement: Who will represent this class 4/19 at the PPS School Board meeting where a group will present a Climate Change Resolution?  1st: Brian, Katlyn, Ellie

Evolution Day 6 Apr 12th and 13th

LT: Understand how evolutionary events unfolded on the geologic time scale.
Today: Finish video; Life on Earth timeline; start era/epoch posters
HW:  6 (5 will be assigned later)    TEST: Thur Apr. 21st 
Due today:  3 & 4 + article
Warm Up:   What is the difference between natural selection and adaptations?

Announcement: Who will represent this class 4/19 at the PPS School Board meeting where a group will present a Climate Change Resolution?

Monday, April 11, 2016

Evolution Unit Learning Targets and HW

Evolution LT and HW

Evolution Prezi

Evolution Prezi

Evolution Videos

PBS Why Sex? 

PBS The Evolutionary Arms Race

Evolution Day 5 April 7th and 11th

LT: Define evolution and know how the steps of natural selection lead to adaptations.
Today: Finish Why Sex?; Finish notes; Evolutionary Arms Race video
HW:  #3 & 4 (including article)
Due today:  article questions
Warm Up:   What are the 4 steps of natural selection? (answer without looking at your notes)

Announcement: Who will represent this class 4/19 at the PPS School Board meeting where a group will present a Climate Change Resolution?

Evolution Day 4 April 5th and 6th

LT: Define evolution and know how the steps of natural selection lead to adaptations.
Today:  a few more notes; Why Sex? video
HW:  article on mate choice
Due today:  Bunny Lab
Warm Up:   next slide

Reminder: 3rd quarter is almost over. 2nd semester is half over.