Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Cell Organelle Review (for Credit Recovery)

Watch this video then come to Saturday School on Feb. 6th from 11:30 - 2:30.

Cell Organelle Review

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

DNA Learning Targets and HW

DNA Learning Targets and HW

DNA Unit Day 1

LTUnderstand how cell organelles work together to carry out DNA instructions.

Today:  Finals back; new seating charts; Kahoot!; Intro to DNA; finish E Brockovich?

HW: go to website, watch videos, and take notes on DNA basics

Homework video: click here What is DNA and How Does it Work?

Also watch this one, but you don't need to take notes: What is a gene?

Due today:  did you purchase a new spiral???

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Toxin Unit Day 4

LT:  Explain how toxins affect organisms at the cellular level.
Today:   How to make a poster (Library); Research time
HW:   Finish your research, begin writing your speech
Toxin Fair  Thursday, January 14th    
Saturday School to support your work (recommended):
January 9th
Due today:  Research notes
Warm Up (WU):
Science Flex this week?