Saturday, December 26, 2015

Youth Environmental Job Fair

A reminder that the job fair is on the 30th from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
(click here to see flyer).

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Toxin Unit Day 3

LT:  Explain how toxins affect organisms at the cellular level.
Today:   How to Research
HW:   #2 (yellow)
Due today:  #1
Warm Up (WU):    next slide
Science Flex this week: Wednesday    TUESDAY TUTORING @ 3:15 

If you received a Credit Recovery contract for Bio, turn in today.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Toxin Unit Day 2

LT:  Explain how toxins affect organisms at the cellular level.
Today:   Ingredient exploration   

Prezi - notes on Endocrine System

HW:   #1 (yellow)
Due today: “Take a Good Look” worksheet
Warm Up (WU):   
Science Flex this week: Wednesday    TUESDAY TUTORING @ 3:15 

If you received a Credit Recovery contract for Bio, turn in by Thursday.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Toxin Unit Day 1

LT:  Explain how toxins affect organisms at the cellular level.
Today:   Lotion Lab
HW:   “Taking a Good Look” (handout)
Due today: Banned Toxic Chemicals article questions (turn in)
Warm Up (WU):    Fun one!
Science Flex this week: Friday    TUESDAY TUTORING @ 3:15

"Taking a Good Look" homework assignment

Toxin Unit Learning Targets and Homework

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Cell Transport Day 8

LT:  Explain how toxins affect organisms at the cellular level.
Today:   Cell membrane and transport test
HW:   Banned Toxic Chemicals article questions (handout)
Due today:  Review questions; show Baz or Peter your 10/24/7’d notes
Warm Up (WU):    Review for your test with your team
Science Flex this week: Thursday    TUESDAY TUTORING @ 3:15

Toxic Chemicals Article w/ Questions (homework)

Friday, December 4, 2015

Cell Transport Day 6

LT:  Explain how toxins affect organisms at the cellular level.
Today:   Notes on cell transport; finish building cell membrane
HW:  #5; at least 3 TicTacToes due by December 3rd 
Due today:  2 TicTacToes
Warm Up (WU):   
Science Flex this week: Wednesday

Tuesday Tutoring

Cell Transport Day 7

LT:  Explain how toxins affect organisms at the cellular level.
Today:   Erin Brockovich
HW: Finish TicTacToes,  #6,
  and 10/24/7 notes on cell transport to prepare for Tuesday’s test
Due today:  #5
Warm Up (WU):   
Science Flex this week: Wednesday 

Monday: Review for test  Wednesday: Cell Transport Test

Cell Transport Day 8

LT:  Explain how toxins affect organisms at the cellular level.
Today:   Practice for test       CELL TRANSPORT TEST ON TUESDAY!
HW: 1) do the Review on purple sheet
  2)  10/24/7 notes on cell transport
Due today:  #6, at least 3 TTTs
Warm Up (WU):   

Science Flex this week: Wednesday  

Worksheets to prepare for test

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Cell Transport and Cell Membrane Day 5

LT:  Explain how toxins affect organisms at the cellular level.
Today:   Finish notes on toxins; notes on cellmembranes; begin building model
HW:    #4       3 TicTacToes due by December 3rd
Due today:  carbon compounds
Warm Up (WU):  none, we’re behind!


Friday, November 20, 2015

Cell Transport Day 4

LT:  Explain how toxins affect organisms at the cellular level.
HW:    #4  3 TicTacToes due by December 3rd
Due today:  carbon compounds
Warm Up (WU):  none, we’re behind!


Cell Transport HW and LT

Cell Transport HW and LT sheet - click here

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Cell Transport Day 3

LT:  Explain how toxins affect organisms at the cellular level.
Today:   Introduction to Toxins - article, Intro to Toxins notes and videos Prezi
HW:  Your “carbon” worksheet is in place of HW #3. Finish it by Friday, if not already completed. Skip HW #3 on the purple sheet. 
Due today:  #2
Warm Up (WU):  kahoot!
Science Flex this week: Wednesday TODAY     TEST RETAKES

If you were absent, read this article:  Banned Toxic Chemicals in Pregnant Women.  Draw a square around the name of the toxin, circle what it is used for, and every time the article discusses the affect this/these toxin(s) have on cells, underline it.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Cell Transport Day 2

LT:  Understand how the properties of molecules connect to the structure of the cell membrane.
Today:   1. Finish Prop of Water lab  2. Textbook notes
HW:  #2 (new LT sheet)  
Due today:  #1
Warm Up (WU):  next slide

Science Flex this week: Wednesday (test retakes! Do all HW 1st!)

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Resources for Cell Organelle Retest

Watch this video and take notes:

The Cell

Resources for Kingdoms Retest

Watch this video lecture:
Six Kingdoms on the Cellular Level

Kingdom Prezi

Parts of the Cell Membrane

This video will help you review the structure of the cell membrane (also known as "plasma" membrane).

The Plasma Membrane

Cell Transport Day 1

LT: Understand how molecules interact in the cell membrane to keep a cell (and an organelle) in homeostasis.

Today:  Tests back; Water Properties notes and mini-labs

Due:  Flame retardant article questions

Toxic Flame Retardants Article

Homework:  #1 (see purple LT sheet)

Next Flex: Wednesday (do missing HW, study, makeup missing LTs)

Monday, November 9, 2015

Cells and Kingdoms Day 8

November 9th and 10th
LT:  Understand the differences between the cells of organisms from different kingdoms and where viruses fit into the big picture.
Today:   Unit test
HW:  Read Toxic Flame Retardants. Answer questions (choose SA, UH, MT)
Due today:  Review, #1, #2, cell drawings
Warm Up (WU):  take time to review for the test

Science Flex this week: none

Friday, November 6, 2015

Cells and Kingdoms Day 7

November 5th and 6th 
LT:  Understand the differences between the cells of organisms from different kingdoms and where viruses fit into the big picture.
Today:   Cell organelle review; Notes on viruses
HW:  Review (on your brown LT paper); 10/24/7 all your notes; maybe do another TicTacToe    
TEST TUESDAY 11/10 over Cell and Kingdom Learning Targets
Due today:  #1, #2, cell drawings (you have until Tuesday if not finished)
Warm Up (WU):  next slide

Science Flex this week: Fri 2:15  last day to turn in Cheek Cell Lab

To review for the test:

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Day 6 Cells and Kingdoms

LT:  Understand the differences between the cells of organisms from different kingdoms.
Today:   Cell drawings; Kingdom review; finish Lab Analysis
HW:  HW #1 & 2 and Cell Drawings due on Monday 11/9 
TEST ON MONDAY 11/9  brown learning target sheet 
Due today:  #5
Warm Up (WU):
Science Flex this week: Tues 3:15 and Fri 2:15


Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Cell Craft

Click here to play Cell Craft    A video game that walks you through building a cell. Use this to substitute for HW #4 or a TicTacToe, or just to prepare you for the test.

Focus on the functions of each organelle. Use the "encyclopedia" button that looks like a textbook to learn more.

Take notes as you play, but only on the organelles covered on your learning target sheet. For example, slicer enzymes are interesting and important, but you will not be tested on them.

Keep in mind that it is a bit confusing because they turn a prokaryote into a eukaryote (took millions of years) and give animal cells chloroplasts.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Day 5 Cells and Kingdoms Unit

October 27th and 28th 

LT:  Understand the differences between the cells of organisms from different kingdoms.
Today:   Notes on Kingdoms
HW:  10/24/7 today’s notes
Due today:  Lab drawings and analysis
Warm Up (WU):  fun one! Next slide

Science Flex this week: Tues 3:15, Wed 2;15, Thurs 2:15

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Day 4 Cells and Kingdoms Unit

October 19th and 20th 
LT:  Understand the differences between the cells of organisms from different kingdoms.
Today:  Finish Kingdom Cell Lab  (link on Day 2 post)
HW:  1) Cell Lab Analysis  2) Do another Cell Tic Tac Toe Click here for Cell TicTacToe
Due today:  1 TicTacToe homework
No Flex this week:  See me next week to work on missing learning targets

Friday, October 16, 2015

Day 3 Cells and Kingdoms Unit

LT:  Understand the differences between the cells of organisms from different kingdoms.
Today:   Kingdom Cell Lab  (link on Day 2 post)
HW:  Do a Cell Tic Tac Toe (link below)
Due today:  #4
Thurs Flex: Senator Scholar assembly; No Science Flex this week
See me Wed or Thurs after school to make up missing LTs.

Do all missing HW first!

Day 2 Cells and Kingdoms Unit

LT:  Understand the differences between the cells of organisms from different kingdoms.
Today:   Kingdom Cell Lab
HW:  #4
Due today:  #3
Warm Up (WU):  What are the 5 most important things to remember when using a microscope?
Thurs Flex: Senator Scholar assembly; No Science Flex this week
See me Wed or Thurs after school to make up missing LTs.

Do all missing HW first!

Learning Targets Cells and Kingdoms Unit

Kingdoms and Cells Unit Name ______________________________
Learning Targets
I can…
  • Identify and describe functions of more complex cell organelles including, peroxisomes, lysosomes, and nucleolus and understand how all cell organelles interact within the cell. Identify which organs or organ systems rely more on particular organelles.

  • Differentiate between the kingdoms and understand the differences between them; categorize cells based on cell structure into the correct kingdoms and differentiate between eukaryotes and prokaryotes.

  • Explain how viruses infect humans.
I can…
  • Identify and describe functions of cell organelles including the cell membrane, cell wall, cytosol, nucleus, mitochondria, ribosomes, rough and smooth ER, chloroplast, golgi apparatus, and vacuoles.

  • Explain how the kingdoms vary, including examples of each; categorize cells as plant, animal or prokaryotic based on cell structure, know the differences between the six kingdoms, and compare and contrast prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

  • Describe viruses and their effect on cells.
Straight Ahead        
I can…
  • Identify and describe functions of cell organelles including: cell membrane, cell wall, nucleus, cytosol, chloroplast, mitochondria, and vacuoles.

  • List the kingdoms and know an example for each; categorize cells as plant or animal based on cell structure and list the six kingdoms of life.

  • Label a virus and know the steps of infection.

Mountainous  Uphill plus:
 Archaeabacteria                         Capsid                     Peroxisome                   Lytic               Lysogenic
Uphill       Straight Ahead plus:
Golgi apparatus                   Fungi                         Rough ER         Smooth ER          Host cell      Carrier                                               Protista                                Ribosome                  Lysosome          Prokaryote           Eukaryote    Reservoir
Straight Ahead
Cell membrane        Cell wall                   Organelle                   Nucleus             Cytosol            Toxin                              Mitochondria           Vacuole                    Animalia                    Plantae              Virus                Antibiotic
Bacteria                    Virus                        Ebola                               

During this unit, I plan to work at the ________________________ level because ___________

BIOLOGY Textbook Homework
Cell UNIT – Chapters 20 & 7

Assignment #:
Read pages, take notes as you read, 10/24/7 all notes
Straight Ahead
Due Date
(fill in when announced)
p. 471-75
p. 475: 1
p. 475: 1, 3, 4
p. 475: 1, 3, 4

p. 476-485
p. 480: 1
p. 485: 1, 3
p. 480: 1, 2
p. 485: 1, 3
p. 480: 1-3
p. 485: 1, 3-5

Chapter 7
p. 151-155
p. 155: 1, 3
p. 155: 1, 3, 5
p. 155: 1-3, 5
p. 156 – 161
p. 161: 2, 4, 5
p. 161: 1-5
p. 161: 1-5, 7
p. 162 – 166
p. 166: 2, 4
p. 166: 1, 2, 4
p. 166: 1, 2, 4, 5

6: Review
p. 168
p. 169: 3, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13
p. 169: 3, 4, 6-13
p. 169: 3, 4, 6-13, 16-18